
10. Black Holes

A few weeks ago it was announced that the Event Horizon Telescope, a group of eight radio telescopes (on a planetary scale), provided the first direct visual evidence ever obtained of a Black Hole positioned in the heart of Messier 87, a huge galaxy located in the nearby Virgo cluster. In a series of six articles in "The Astrophysical Journal Letters", the image reveals a supermassive Black Hole with a mass equal to 6.5 billion times that of the Sun and that is 55 million light years from the Earth.

When we talk about a Black Hole of this mass what are we talking about?

For example the mass of the planet Earth is 5.97 × 1024 kg (diameter of 12,750 km), while that of the Sun is 1.99 × 1030 kg (diameter 1.39 × 106 km); the relationship between the values of the 2 masses is easy to remember: 333,333.
The mass of Sgr A* (Black Hole at the center of our galaxy) is 4.31 × 106 Mo and finally that of the BH of M87 is equal to 6.5 × 109 Mo (1.29 × 1040 kg ).

From the table, it can be seen that the BH diameter is directly proportional to its mass, and that if the Sun became a BH it would have a radius of 2.95 km; multiplying this last value by the number of solar masses (Mo) we obtain the radius of the BH.

This is because the Schwarzschild Radius is directly proportional to its mass:

The Black Hole of M87 which has a mass 6.5 billion solar masses therefore has a RS of about 20 billion km (127 Astronomical Units).
Pluto aphelion is located at about 49.3 AU (from the Sun), so the Solar System could be conveniently contained in the Black Hole of M87.

The Schwarzschild Radius RS is the distance at which the escape velocity is c (speed of light).

Titius-Bode law, an empirical formula that describes with good approximation the values ​​of the semi-axes greater than the orbits of the planets of the solar system (expressed in Astronomical Units) and is expressed with the simple formula:

                                                   (3n + 4) / 10

where n takes the values ​​0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ...

This simple geometric progression has a nice graphic representation using logarithmic scale:

where a 1 AU we find by definition the Earth and about 10 AU Saturn. As mentioned above, at 127 we can position the event horizon of the Black Hole of M87.

But what is the average density of a Black Hole?

For Black Holes of "small" dimensions, the average density within the event horizon is incredibly high (see the first table) and at the borders of the Black Hole there are tidal forces greater than a trillion times the gravitational force . However (quite surprisingly) the average density decreases dramatically for the massive Black Holes. A BH of 387 million solar masses would have the average water density and would be comparable to a giant water balloon extending from the Sun to almost Jupiter. A BH of 11 billion solar masses would have the average air density and would be analogous to a giant balloon 2.5 times larger than Pluto's orbit. The average mass density in space itself, however small, may eventually become a low-density BH. If the average density of the Universe corresponds to the critical density of only 5.67 hydrogen atoms per cubic meter, a Hole would form Low density black of about 13.8 billion light years, corresponding to the Big Bang model of the Universe. A BH can use rotation and/or electric charge to avoid collapse. Gravitational forces become negligible for large low density Black Holes.
So you can live in a large low density BH without even realizing it.

I stop here and let the reader fantasize ….

AU Astronomical Unit (Earth - Sun distance) : 149,597,870 km = 8.5 minutes light
Light year (distance traveled by light in a year) : 9,460 billion km = 63,300 AU
Parsec : 3.262 light years = 30,860 billion km = 206,000 AU
Speed ​​of light : 299,792 km/sec


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